Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First update in a few days...

Sorry for taking so long to update this thing. This adjustment to first shift has been rough so far. Anyway, I figured I'd post now since I have a little free time. I recently decided to watch Iron Maiden's "Live After Death" again, and it's still amazing to watch. I had an opportunity to go see Maiden a while back(with Dream Theater opening), but I had prior obligations. Anyway, time to go for now...I think I'm in the mood for a little Spinal Tap tonight!


  1. do what u want couse a pirate is free!You're a Pirate!!
    cool!suppin bro :)
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)

  2. nice too see you on the up and up! keep up the work

  3. Glad ur back this is a cool blog

  4. Cool.

    I went to an Alice In Chains concert the other day, shit was amazingly cash.

  5. I FUCKIN LOVE SPINAL TAP. no other band cpmes close
